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Pochód żałobny na placu Saskim po śmierci Aleksandra I w 1826 r.

Adam, Jean Victor Vincent, Courtin, Louis, Horwart, Ludwik


Plansza 7 z wydawnictwa: "Description | de la | cérémonie funebre | en mémorie de feu | Sa Majesté | Alexandre I [...]", Varsovie 1829 [Opis żałobnego obchodu po wiekopomnej pamięci Najiaśniejszym Aleksandrze I cesarzu Rosji i królu Polski, Warszawa 1829].

The Museum team continuously develops the collection and updates the information about the objects. If you have additional knowledge about this object, please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl.


The Museum team continuously develops the collection and updates the information about the objects. If you have additional knowledge about this object, please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl.