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autorstwo nieznane

wiek XVI

  • Title: Talerz
  • Artist: autorstwo nieznane
  • Date: wiek XVI
  • Origin: unknown
  • Technique: turning on potter’s wheel, underglaze painting, glazing, firing
  • Material: nieorganiczny, glina wysokożelazista
  • Dimensions:
  • Signatures: niesygnowane
  • Object type: ceramika, ceramika naczyniowa
  • Inventory number: MHW/Dz.A/ZW/2680

The Museum team continuously develops the collection and updates the information about the objects. If you have additional knowledge about this object, please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl.


  • Meyza K., Ceramika zdobiona XVI-XVII w., [w:] 'Źródła archeologiczne do dziejów Zamku Królewskiego oraz Starej i Nowej Warszawy', zesz. 2, Warszawa 1996

The Museum team continuously develops the collection and updates the information about the objects. If you have additional knowledge about this object, please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl.