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Na targu

Franciszek Kostrzewski

ok. 1905

On view Gabinet Widoków Warszawy

  • Title: Na targu
  • Artist: Franciszek Kostrzewski
  • Date: ok. 1905
  • Origin: Warsaw
  • Technique: pen, ink
  • Material: paper
  • Dimensions: work: height 24,0 cm, width 16,0 cm
  • Signatures: sygn. z prawej, u dołu: FK
  • Object type: rysunek
  • Inventory number: MHW 4280

The Museum team continuously develops the collection and updates the information about the objects. If you have additional knowledge about this object, please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl.


  • Franciszek Kostrzewski. Katalog prac, oprac. I. Tessaro-Kosimowa, M. Suchodolska, J. Obidzińska, Warszawa 1963, poz. 580, il.;

The Museum team continuously develops the collection and updates the information about the objects. If you have additional knowledge about this object, please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl.