Object added to collection Object added to collection
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The Museum team continuously develops the collection and updates the information about the objects. If you have additional knowledge about this object, please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl.


Signatures, marking, inscriptions

  • sygn. z lewej, u dołu: Warszawa Naktadem [!] Juliusza Schmidt.;
    z prawej, u dołu: J. Jacottet et C. Rivière lith.


  • Tessaro-Kosimowa I., Warszawa w starych albumach, Waszawa 1978, poz. 231 na s. 63; Dobrzyniecki A., Kuś-Joachimiak H., Kolekcja Jana i Jadwigi Nowak-Jeziorańskich w Zakładzie Narodowym im. Ossolińskich, cz. II, Grafika, Wrocław 2014, poz. 71;

The Museum team continuously develops the collection and updates the information about the objects. If you have additional knowledge about this object, please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl.