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Corner of Próżna and Zielna Streets

Hartwig, Edward


This view west west from Zielna Street shows the Próżna Street shopping and services pavilions, and the demolished seat of the Austrian Cultural Institute at no. 8 Próżna Street. Apartment buildings are in the background.

  • Title: Corner of Próżna and Zielna Streets
  • Artist: Hartwig, Edward (1909-2003)
  • Date: 1970s
  • Origin: Polska-Warszawa
  • Technique: odbitka srebrowo-żelatynowa
  • Material: papier fotograficzny
  • Dimensions:
  • Object type: fotografia
  • Inventory number: AN 4661/H

The Museum team continuously develops the collection and updates the information about the objects. If you have additional knowledge about this object, please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl.

Signatures, marking, inscriptions

  • Stamp signed on reverse: ALL RIGHTS | RESERVED BY| ZAIKS OR POLISH SOCIETY OF AUTHORS AND COMPOSERS | LES DROITS D’AUTEURS RESERVES | reproduction permitted under con- | dition: | 1) [...] | 2) paying remuneration in compliance | with contract, or when no contract in place | in compliance with ZAIKS’ rates | EDWARD HARTWIG | Artist Photographer Z.P.A.F. [...]


The Museum team continuously develops the collection and updates the information about the objects. If you have additional knowledge about this object, please contact us by writing to the following e-mail address: kolekcje@muzeumwarszawy.pl.