Collection structure
Painting and Drawing Collection
Works representing various painting and drawing techniques, originating from the period between the 17th and the 20th century, which depict the history and development of Warsaw as well as different aspects of the life of its residents. The most numerous group comprises views of Warsaw and scenes from everyday and festive life of city dwellers in the 19th and 20th centuries. A separate group embraces portraits of outstanding figures and inhabitants of Warsaw. Realist pieces prevail in the Collection, while it also contains paintings that feature abstract forms or else bear characteristics of naïve painting. Selected artists: Marcin Zaleski, Wojciech Gerson, Józef Simmler, Franciszek Kostrzewski, Tadeusz Pruszkowski, Tadeusz Cieślewski the father, Bronisław Kopczyński, Maria Ewa Łunkiewicz-Rogoyska, Edward Dwurnik, Wojciech Fangor, Maria Anto, Mieczysław Jurgielewicz.
Graphic Print Collection
The Collection embraces works executed using various printmaking techniques from the 16th to the 20th century. These are individual prints, cycles and thematic albums as well as folders of individual artists. Topics revolving around Warsaw prevail: views of Warsaw, historical scenes related to political events and the struggle for independence, and genre scenes depicting the everyday life of city dwellers. A distinctive group comprises images of Warsaw destroyed during World War II. A separate thematic category embraces portraits of residents of Warsaw and figures with ties to the city, including images of kings, magnates, national heroes, social activists, writers, artists. Selected artists: Willem Hondius, Bernardo Bellotto called Canaletto, Fryderyk Krzysztof Dietrich, Antoni Oleszczyński, Jan Feliks Piwarski, Leon Wyczółkowski, Józef Rapacki, Feliks Jabłczyński, Zofia Stankiewicz, Władysław Skoczylas, Tadeusz Cieślewski the son, Tadeusz Kulisiewicz, Stefan Rassalski.
Photography Collection
Works documenting the development of photographic techniques, from the oldest forms: daguerreotypes from the end of the 1840s, to the latest digital techniques. The gathered images form a visual chronicle of the city, a gallery of figures with ties to Warsaw and a documentation of events taking place in the capital. Selected artists: Karol Beyer, Konrad Brandel, Jan Mieczkowski, Jan Bułhak, Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz (Witkacy), Zdzisław Marcinkowski, Henryk Poddębski, Alfred Funkiewicz, Witold Dederko, Zofia Chomętowska czy Edward Hartwig.
Postcard Collection
Postcards, both individual copies as well as series and sets, printed and photographic cards, blank and previously used. The oldest ones originate from the end of the 19th century. Albums for storing postcards, produced for the needs of building collections, and commemorative printed albums based on postcard iconography.
Architectural Drawing Collection
Architectural and urban design drawings, inventories, designs of interiors and green areas, architects’ sketchbooks, designs of built and never-built structures, as well as architectural fantasies for Warsaw. The majority of the Collection embraces legacies of Warsaw architects: Tadeusz Nowakowski, Bruno Zborowski, Zygmunt Stępiński, Stanisław Żaryn, Maria Zachwatowicz, Borys Zinserling, Stanisław Marzyński.
Historical Keepsakes, Militaria and Commemorative Items Collection
Body of artefacts of considerable historic value, related to renowned residents of Warsaw, major events, places and institutions, as well as commemorative keepsakes produced on the occasion of anniversaries, festivals, sporting and tourist events. It also embraces one of the richest collections in Poland of patriotic accessories related to Poland’s struggle for freedom and independence.
Kolekcja korczakowska
Archiwalia – rękopisy, korespondencja, wspomnienia, dokumenty urzędowe - związane z życiem prywatnym, twórczością pisarską oraz działalnością zawodową Janusza Korczaka (Henryka Goldszmita), dziejami instytucji kierowanych lub współkierowanych przez niego, gazetą „Mały Przegląd” i biografiami pracowników tych instytucji (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Stefanii Wilczyńskiej i Marii Falskiej) oraz ich wychowanków, a także powiązanych z Korczakiem działaczy. Istotną grupę w kolekcji stanowią fotografie osób związanych ze środowiskiem korczakowskim, a także artefakty, zapisy dźwiękowe i audiowizualne. Gromadzone są druki zwarte - wydania książek Janusza Korczaka z lat 1901-1939, zawierające autorskie dedykacje i zapiski - oraz pisma i druki ulotne z tekstami Janusza Korczaka z lat 1896-1942. Osobny dział stanowi dokumentacja recepcji postaci i dorobku Janusza Korczaka w Polsce i za granicą: książki, druki ulotne, plakaty, filmy, dzieła plastyczne.
Applied and Decorative Art Collection
Items of a decorative character or demonstrating artistic value, designed or executed by Warsaw makers, craftsmen and companies. Goods made of precious and non-precious metals, ceramics, decorative glass, clocks, furniture, advertisements, decorative textiles.
Archival Material Collection
Documents in the form of manuscripts and prints: royal documents from the years 1576–1835, privileges and diplomas of Warsaw’s guilds, official forms, identity cards, ephemeral prints, advertisements, price lists, securities, posters and announcements, including those from the period of World War I and II, legacies of renowned Warsaw families, diaries, memoirs and accounts, including the documentation of the post-war competitions “Diary of a Warsaw Resident” and “Exodus” as well as the Archive of “Solidarity” from the 1980s.